Mario Capecchi You might think Snake and Ladder is a game of chance where you might go from the very top to rock bottom or vice versa but I would say it is nothing compared to human life. True, some of us start in middle and end somewhere slightly above or below, also some others start at top or bottom and remain there forever without any worries of sudden change. Also, there are some among us who start at one extreme and reach the other extreme. But then there are even smaller sub-group of people who start at one extreme go the other extreme and then come back to the same place in a better condition. Mario Capecchi is one such man. He started near the top(his grandmother a painter, mother a poet, father an aviator, grandfather an archeologist and his uncle a physicist who developed first electron microscope and contributed to development of TV) went all the way to bottom and some more underneath and then came back to the top to set a new limit or as 2 famous...