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object oriented programming language

                 An overview of object oriented programming language

The Objective oriented programming language continues to grow in popularity and usage. This is due to the power and ease-of-use of the language itself, along with the numerous features that continue to be added to the platform. Many programmers have developed a basic knowledge of the language and now want to further their expertise. The basic for C++ language is C. C language was invented and first implemented by Dennis Richie at AT &T Bell Laboratories, an American research company. C is basically a structured procedure oriented language. But C differs a lot from C++. Data hiding is main key of c++, unlike in C which means you can hide the data from the external functions and those data can be accessed by only the function confined to it. In C the data can be accessed by any function you defined, there were no restrictions that to which only function should have access to those data member’s. For example suppose that a company have some important data and that company wants that data should not be accessed by all the members in the company, only few people should have access to that. That’s where data hiding comes into picture and C doesn’t have that features. So to overcome that c++ was developed.

The major motivating factor in the convention of object oriented programming approach is to solve some of the flaws encountered in the procedural approach. OOP (object oriented programming) treats data as critical element in the programming development and does not allow it to flow freely around a system. It ties data more closely to the functions that operate on it and protects it from accidental modifications from outside world. OOP allow us to decompose into a number of entities called ‘objects’ and builds data and functions around these entities.

Features of OOP:-
1. Emphasis is on data rather than function.
2. Programs are divided into objects.
3. Data structure are designed such a way that they characterise the object.
4. Functions that operate on data of an object are tied together in data structure.
5. Data is hidden and cannot be accessed by external functions.
6. Objects communicate with each other through functions.
7. New data functions can be easily added whenever necessary.
8. Follows bottom up approach in program design.

Oop definition-:
It is an approach that provides a way of modularising the program by creating partitioned memory area for both data and functions that can be used for creating copies of such modules on demand.

And that’s an overview of c++. I shall be discussing on further more important things like programming, special features of c++,its built in data types and much more...


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