Today, let’s talk about birth…of EVERYTHING. Sounds quite philosophical, but let’s approach this in a scientific manner. Curious? Good. Let’s get started then. This is a story that occurred 13.8 billion years ago. There was nothing. No electrons, no light, no matter, no space, no time. Absolutely NOTHING. Total CHAOS. But, hey! There’s something in the middle of nothing! The ‘thing’ that’s infinitely hot, infinitely dense, infinitely small. The ‘thing’ where almost all the current religions and philosophies seem to converge. The one which we call ‘Brahmanda’, the ‘cosmic-egg’ that spawned everything that exists. The one which we now call the ‘primordial singularity’. Suddenly, out of the blue, this ‘primordial singularity’ explodes. Make no mistake, this ain’t a normal boom, this is the most violent, most powerful explosion that has ever happened. The explosion tha...